Tips for Thrift Store Finds with

All of you know that one of my favorite things to do is thrift store shop.  There are always hidden treasures that I am passionate about finding.  I so love the hunt and get all excited when I find something fabulous that I can transform, polish, renew, paint or reupholster for a client or for my own home.

When I was in Atlanta a couple weeks ago at the Design Blogger's Conference, I hooked up with Cheryl from Dwell By Cheryl.  We met last year and were instantly friends.
 We have the same philosophy on life and design and I feel as if I've known her for a lifetime. 

She also loves to decorate on a budget and is passionate about providing just that to her clients.

Doesn't she do an amazing job?

 During the conference, we were both so fired up about our passions, we decided to do a couple videos in our hotel room, giving tips for our readers. She is just like me in that she has no hesitation about sharing her passion and design tips.

 This past week, Cheryl posted the video I did with Decorating tips for spring.  You can see the video by going to her website

 There is an art to finding the right things when shopping.  It takes time and talent!
Here are Cheryl's top thrift store shopping tips!
 Thank you Cheryl!

  You will be hearing more from her that's for sure!

Have a great weekend!