Falling Leaves

I know it's not quite fall yet but this Texas weather the last few days has been a reminder that fall is coming!

I absolutely love fall! Maybe it's because I love change or maybe it's because I love the colors, smells and sounds of fall. Everything feels crisp and new. I think God created season's to remind us all that change is good and there is always a new day to start something fresh!
My challenge to you all this fall is to decorate your front door and porch. All it takes is a fresh wreath or some beautiful pumpkins and you transform your house into something inviting for your guests. It's amazing what the small things do to people's spirits. If you are feeling discouraged or overwhelmed this year, try doing something "simple" like changing out your wreath on your front door. (One tip.....if you take it out of the attic, fluff it first and make sure it looks presentable before you just hang it on the door. I've been to many houses where their wreath looks like it's been flattened by an Elephant.) By hanging a wreath, when you check the mail, you will get to enjoy it too. You'll see that it's sometimes the simple things in life that give us joy and lift our spirits.
After you've decorated your front porch, invite a friend over for coffee, light a pumkin or cinnamon candle and enjoy another simple thing......friends. We are all so busy these days we've forgotten that our homes can be our refuge and our friends can be our encouragers.
Just typing from my heart today.
